It’s quite difficult to practise aural tests for the grade examinations at home without someone who can play the examples for you, and tell you when you get the right answers.
I have found a couple of web sites though which may be useful occasionally for this. They are not a substitute for practising aural tests with a teacher, or a competent musician, but they could give you a little extra practise when there is no such person around to help. If you find a test that you do not understand, make a note of it and tell me about it at your next lesson. I’ll see what I can do to help.
The following practice tests are from E-MusicMaestro, and are the easiest to use:
On this page you can select your grade, and then select the test you wish to practice. There are recorded answers available for each test, so you can check immediately whether you were correct. There are samples at each grade level which you can access free, but you need to subscribe to make use of the full range of tests.
Alternatively, you can try these tests from the ‘MusicTeachers’ site. They are free, but only cover Grade 1 to 5. You will need a midi player on your computer for these, but most computers have one installed. For these examples, you will need to make a note of your answers and then, when you have finished each section, click on the ‘Answers’ link to check whether you were right.
You need more ... ?
If you are looking for a more comprehensive course of aural training, you should try clicking here. The training exercises on this site are not free - prices range from £8 for the early grades up to £15 for Grade 8, giving 4 months unlimited access - but they are well-designed and thorough.