One disadvantage when children have music lessons in school is that the teacher gets very few opportunities to meet with, and talk to, the parents. I hope this web site can go a little way towards solving that problem.
Do please let me know what you think, and don’t hesitate to send comments or questions relating to your child’s lessons. Sending me an e-mail is a convenient way to do this. If your message is likely to be of wider interest, I’ll ask your permission to post it on this site. (If there are privacy concerns, I can arrange password access for part of the site.)
One thing I have learnt during my time teaching is that the part played by parents can make an enormous difference to progress. I try to make the lessons fun, and look for music that the children will enjoy playing, but there is no denying the fact that learning to play an instrument can be quite hard work. This is particularly true in the early days when they are trying to master the reading of printed music, as well as learning how to play the instrument itself. When parents take an interest in progress, and encourage their child to play regularly at home, the process becomes a lot less painful.